Whenever I hated a status message or a shared link on Facebook, I said to myself - "I wish this thing had a dislike button to express my distress".. This must have come to your mind also, specially after disliking some video on YouTube. Well this urge of disliking posts on FB is what hackers are targeting next.. So beware!!! A quick overview of how the hackers get you to click on the link follows:
Following is a screenshot of how the message would be posted on your wall..
Pay close attention to the 'Enable Dislike Button' link besides the 'Comment' in place of the usual share link. The hackers have done so to fool users in believing it to be a Genuine feature added by FB. There is no official dislike button on FB.
Clicking on the link will cause same consequences which you might have experienced with the WTF video or Check who is visiting your profile link. The link will be posted on walls of random friends and the cycle will continue. It is believed that the link contains obfuscated JavaScript which is used by spammers to study browsing behavior.
Another example relating to the Dislike Button:
This link tricks you into pasting a javascript to your browser. *Not at all recommended.
Repeating Again - "FB does not provide a Dislike feature"
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