Google has already declared that loading speed of the blog is an important factor for search engine ranking.That’s why most of the bloggers now are working on how can they reduce the loading time of their wordpress blog because most of the bloggers are now on WordPress.
They have many ways to reduce the loading time of their wordpress blog. But what about Blogger blogs. Today I sharing some tips on how can you reduce the Loading time of blogger blogs because everyone is comparing competitor blog's loading speed.Though tips are simple but are very effective and most useful.
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Use Less number of Widgets in Sidebar:
Using less number of widgets will surely increase your loading speed. 3 or 4 Widgets are enough on Sidebar. But if you still want to use more widgets , put them in your blog footer.
Use default Read More:
Sometime back Blogger launched its ‘Read more’ option but many blogger blogs are still using hack version like <span class=”fullpost”>. Using this hack the loading time automatically increases. Why? because it only hides some part of the post on the front page but every post on the front page loads completely. Shifting to default ‘Read more’ option will surely increase your loading speed.
Use White background everywhere:
Don’t use any Image for background purpose.Always use white background.
Don’t ever use flash:
Flash is also a reason your blog takes too much time to load. Try not to use flash on your blogger blogs
Don’t display too many ads:
Don't display too much ads in your blog.Most prefer Text ad instead of Banner Ad.It will decrease your page loading time.
Use less external scripts/css:
Avoiding external scripts will surely increase your loading speed. Use Internal scripts like for javascript use <script type=”text/javascript”>—-script part—–</script> and for CSS use <style>—CSS part—</style>.
Reduce Image size:
There are many tools available on the Internet for Image optimization. Why don’t you use them? Use them daily for every post for your every image and reduce the size of all images.
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