The only way to prevent other social services from doing what Facebook does, we must only use federated (decentralized, with no private authority) free networks services (which run free software, aka open source software).
Franklin Street Statement:
Federated free networks services:
Crabgrass -
StatusNet -
MediaGoblin -
GNU social -
Apache Wave -
Diaspora -
"We need to think deeply, and rapidly, and to good technological effect, about the consequences of what we have built and what we haven’t built yet. . . . [T]he over-centralization of network services is a crucial political vulnerability. Friends of ours, people seeking freedom, are going to get arrested, beaten, tortured, and eventually killed somewhere on earth because they’re depending for their political survival in their movements for freedom on technology we know is built to sell them out."
--Eben Moglen
"As the need for free (as in freedom) tools to communicate and socialize becomes increasingly urgent, more projects have been popping up to take up the challenge: GNU social and StatusNet, Crabgrass, Apache Wave, and more. The list goes on, and on. If you're not yet familiar with the issue, or even if you are, you should watch this excellent talk by Eben Moglen here:
The first step towards digital autonomy is of course to stop using services that restrict your freedom, whether they do so through unfair terms of service, disregard for your privacy, locking you in, and/or any other means. Facebook is the biggest and baddest right now, so it's a great place to start. If you're like most Facebook users, you're probably thinking something along the lines of "This is great, but I could never afford to delete my Facebook account". Really though, it isn't that bad. Instead of just having one central web service you rely on, you'll just be spread out on what you're already using (phone, text, IM, email), and perhaps picking up some new tools. It is a small sacrifice, but the longterm payoff is great. Sometimes, what's slightly more convenient to you as an individual in the short term, is extremely harmful to society on a large scale."
Facebook is implementing face recognition by that everyone can identify anyone by a simplpicture of you tagged or posted under your real name. For example this could be implemented into the "INDECT" project and by that every camera with that technology (ready 2014) could recognize your face and identify you everywhere. (Randi Zuckerberg: "Anonymity online has to go away")
AT THIS STAGE, IT IS PRIMARILY AN AWARENESS CAMPAIGN! We are NOT taking FB offline, for practical purposes. NO DDoS
There has been a gross misunderstanding, caused by the popularized video concerning #OperationFacebook. The video was made by a non-native speaker of English. The word "kill" was used so various media outlets reported a plan of direct hacking attack on the infrastructure of Facebook. This inte
On July 16, 2011, someone created accounts for an “Operation Facebook” on YouTube (FacebookOp) and Twitter (OP_Facebook). These account names are a little odd: why not just use one of the many other mediums that Anonymous has used in the past? Fumore, the released video, embedded above, is not of the usual computerized voice and visual production quality that we’re used to from Anonymous.
The dates are also questionable: why didn’t
rpretation is distracting from the context of the rest of the message, which aims to warn citizens in a concentrated and creative way of the privacy and security risks involved in using Facebook.
- Promote free software (aka open source) and federated (decentralized) alternatives like, Crabgrass, Apache Wave, and Diaspora.
- Expose Facebook's crimes to as many people as possible.
- Scorn Facebook as much as possible in as many ways as we can scheme up.
- Crea,hne multilingual propaganda, so the public and facebook know WHY
- Discuss legal action in the chan. If you want to be a little punk troublemaker, then please keep it to PMs.
- Spread the information from this pad //and this pad within anonymous
- Spread home-made posters around your city
- Get media attention and use it right to spread information.
- Boycott and support alternatives
- Botnets.
- Mass fake profiles.
- Memes that mock Facebook.
- Hack admin/facebook related people
- Social engineering for lulz and profit. (helps how?)
* Concept-only for your own text:
Also read:
· DNS Poisoning:
*notice that you only agree to have your data shared with the apps you approve, or if there is a legal requirement (court order, etc.), they say NOTHING of selling your information, but do it anyway.
·August 1, 2011 Botnet could steal data via Facebook photos :
·Companies selling your information:
·Cracking/hacking tuts (only for the already mildly knowledgeable): <--- dead link??
·OS ready to hack/crack,,,
·Facebook has been hacked before, several years ago:
http://foro.elhacker.netNormally, a networked computer uses a D #lang:es_ES #lang:es_CL #lang:es_PE NS server provided by the computer user's organization or an Internet service provider (ISP). DNS servers are generally deployed in an organization's network to improve resolution response performance by caching previously obtained query results. Poisoning attacks on a single DNS server can affect the users serviced directly by the compromised server or indirectly by its downstream server(s) if applicable.
To perform a cache poisoning attack, the attacker exploits a flaw in the DNS software. If the server does not correctly validate DNS responses to ensure that they are from an authoritative source (for example by using DNSSEC) the server will end up caching the incorrect entries locally and serve them to other users that make the same request.
This technique can be used to direct users of a website to another site of the attacker's choosing. For example, an attacker spoofs the IP address DNS entries for a target website on a given DNS server, replacing them with the IP address of a server he controls. He then creates files on the server he controls with names matching those on the target server. These files could contain malicious content, such as a computer worm or a computer virus. A user whose computer has referenced the poisoned DNS server would be tricked into accepting content coming from a non-authentic server and unknowingly download malicious content./hacking_basico/facebooks_servers_was_hacked_by_inj3ct0r_team_hack_of_the_year-t298374.0.html
Umm.. this isn't hacking facebook, this is spoofing a company's DNS.. big difference.
·Proof that FB actually IS selling our info to the government:
It has to be english and a videoresponse to the 3million-views-video. It also has to include that everyone who is offended(whatever) by facebook can join us and that we don't just dos name some methods what we could do too. (also use the same tags as the first video)
Please make a nice text with those points here: and someone with nice videoskills make the video. Get this started...